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Is natural wine the same as organic wine?

Is natural wine the same as organic wine? No.

The term "organic wine" does not refer to the wine itself, but only says that the wine was

was pressed from organically grown grapes. What subsequently happens in the cellar during winemaking can be anything but "organic." Organic wine is very often vinified based on conventional methods (especially the addition of sulfur). A few times I have seen organic wines from large wineries that explicitly state "no sulfur added" on the label. A reaction to making sulfur-free wines of late? Tasted. Dead, empty. Why? No sulfur ok, but "dead filtered" (e.g., by sterile filtering). Accordingly: Natural wine is clearly more than just not sulfurizing.

Organic winegrowers as well as natural winegrowers do without herbicides, pesticides, synthetic agents and artificial fertilizers in the vineyard. The vineyards are worked exclusively mechanically (e.g. for weed removal). Virtually all natural wine growers are certified organic or Demeter, although this is not always stated on the label. The only conventional sprays allowed in the vineyard are copper and sulfur - even for Demeter wine. However, these inputs are kept to a minimum. And the healthier and livelier the soil in the vineyard, the less you have to spray: Grapes that grow on organically tended vines develop significantly greater resistance to pests and diseases over the years. Therefore, as a winemaker, you can only afford to dispense with the addition of sulfur in subsequent winemaking if the grapes are really healthy.

This means that good natural wine is "necessarily" based on the best and healthy grapes.


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